I bet you’re probably thinking “what in the heck is consumption mode?”
I also call it going down the rabbit hole (as in Alice in Wonderland). What I mean is when you get hooked into checking what your competition is doing thinking that if we ‘study’ them we too can have the success they do. And getting hooked into looking for more information.
We keep seeking the next magic pill or magic wand (mktg strategy) that will fix everything. You end up being consumed with seeking out the next best thing, the next tight training, the next webinar, the next seminar, their next free report, the next… next… next !!!
You know what I mean, falling into the trap of chasing & consuming all these “things” that are promising to… make you more money, to get you more clients, to make you smarter, prettier, skinnier or whatever it is that you’re seeking.
The internet’s filled with this!
There’re literally tons of information at our finger tips, like a waterfall cascading information on you. You don’t even have to seek it out. It keeps tumbling into your Inbox, Facebook and social media channels, YouTube & internet feeds. It’s so easy (& addictive) to click & consume.
And before too long “analysis paralysis” kicks in & you get stuck in the consumption mode where you’re consuming and seeking information but NOT Doing anything with it.
Not doing the things you need to do grow a successful business that makes you money. Or not doing the things that get you clients or make you healthier or skinnier or …whatever!
If you really want to make a big impact in your biz & life STOP consuming! Stop reading reports, watching videos and opting in for this & that & everything under the sun. Stop analyzing your competition and gurus.
Instead you’d be better off if you cleared your desk, turned off your computer, put your phone down and figured out what YOUR best action step is. What do you need to do to get the results you want?
What do you need to do right now?
You know enough (you really do). You already have enough information. Looking for more is a distraction. Its gobbling up your time, filling up your brain’s bandwidth, slowing you down and limiting your success.
Over consuming is one of the biggest time waster and avoidance techniques.
I’m only saying this because I too fall into the trap of consumption mode way more often than I’d like to admit. It’s addictive!
So, my message today is turn away & STOP consuming.
Instead get into ACTION mode. And even if you’re not totally sure what action to take, start by finding one simple task to get started and build some momentum and get traction. Because without action you can’t change a thing & nothing happens.
Stop consuming… and take ACTION!