Do you dance?

I’m not just talking about grooving to the tunes & stomping out your own beat. I’m talking about “Dancing with The Stars” type of dancing – Latin Sambas & Viennese Waltzs type of dancing. (the Argentine Tango is my fav to watch).

Years ago, I signed up for a dance class… and what an epic disaster that was!

Seriously, just thinking about it makes me blush and want to crawl under the couch!

Not only was I told that I had 2 left feet that were “apparently” both going the wrong way, but I also had no rhythm… LOL

Thankfully I’m way better at business than I am at the Cha Cha.

But actually, business & dancing have a lot in common.

When I start working with a new client it’s somewhat like dancing with a new partner. We need to get into rhyme together and find their best “success steps”.

And for success in business there really isn’t just ONE way. Sure, there are key things that need to be in place to accelerate success, like

  • a clearly defined ideal client profile,
  • quality product or services that solve a relevant problem for your ideal clients,
  • a compelling marketing message that communicates your value,
  • a clear client acquisition plan with a lead gen system that consistently brings in enough quality leads
  • a sales conversion system to turn leads into clients
  • a great service delivery system

But how you pull these all together is going to be unique from entrepreneur to entrepreneur. Even with the same music (marketplace), every dancer (entrepreneur) will dance step it out differently.

Marketing is like having a whole whack of dance steps… but the true magic is how you combine them into your inimitable groove. Throw in some costumes & WOW!

It’s unfortunate that biz success is more like dancing than it is like walking. In walking it uber easy, right? Just put one foot in front of the other… it’s not tricky, nothing fancy here and best of all it’s straight forward!

But business success isn’t a linear path straight forward… it’s more like the Cha Cha… a couple of steps forward, some to the side & yes, even some back. There is a beat, rhythm and steps to master.

So, get those dancing shoes on & get out there on the floor!