Marketing Block — Five Tips on How to Overcome Marketing Block and Grow Your Business

If you’ve ever had writers block you’ll understand marketing block – it’s when you know you need to get some marketing happening but you just can’t get anything going. Whether it’s attending a networking event, doing some follow up, sending out a newsletter, writing some marketing collateral, or booking a speaking engagement.

Ever feel paralyzed by marketing?

When you think of marketing are you stressed, confused or overwhelmed with guilt, worry and negative self-talk? Well relax, you’re not alone. Many (if not all) business owners get Marketing Block from time to time. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be terminal.

Here are some basic ideas to help you get unstuck.

1. If you’re not sure where to start or what to do next, I find the easiest way to get started, is to take a blank sheet of paper and quickly write down all the possibilities that come to mind. Making a quick brainstorming list is a great way to stop worry in its tracks. It provides the mind something more concrete to work on.
2. To kick-start a dormant mind I look to outside sources. So when I’m stuck and can’t seem to come up with an idea if my life depended on it, I pick up the phone and get talking to my coach (yes, I have a coach too!) or a friend in business. For me talking it out definitely gets the ideas flowing and reconnecting to “possibility”.
3. If I’m feeling overwhelmed with a big project – like the new marketing program I’m rolling out this August, I like to break it down in to small pieces of work. Then I pick an easy task to get started. If that doesn’t do the trick I pull out a timer and start off by committing a small amount of time on a task – say 15 or 20 minutes. This way I know when the bell goes off I can quit – although, I usually keep going.

By just getting started I end up feeling more positive and enthusiastic. It’s amazing what can happen when you get a bit of momentum happening!

4. To help get things into the right perspective and seem more manageable, I find taking a 10 minute break from the task frees up my mind. I like to wander out in the garden or play with Darby, my wired fox terrier – yes, the joys of a home office! Even doing a load of laundry – ok, I may be getting carried away here… but I think you get the idea.

So take a walk around the block, a ride down the elevator or just sit ting quietly in the sun can be a great way to clear the mind and allow creativity to come forth – especially when you’re trying to write!

5. When all else fails, I pick up a marketing book and get inspired. There are ideas abound!

And finally, I like to keep in mind the old saying… “that if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly”. Get over the perfectionism and just get started. Happy Marketing!