5 Top Traits You Need to Achieve Success…

I’ve had some crazy successes in my life – some of which I probably had no right in achieving (at least it sometimes felt that way). In the moment they seemed more like a fluke or lucky break than something I had a right to claim as my own.

But in hindsight (they say it’s 20/20), These 5 traits were at the core of my successes.

I believe that desire is the starting point of any success. You have to want it… BIG! The bigger my desire the more unreasonable & unstoppable I am.

Let’s be honest growing a successful, profitable biz isn’t all peaches & cream. It’s hard work that takes commitment, focus & determination… and most of all DESIRE. So when the going gets tough, you get tough & keep going.

If you don’t believe you can do something – don’t even bother trying. Because if you don`t believe you can, you’re just wasting time, effort & fooling yourself. To accomplish anything, I’ve first needed the belief that I can do it. I may not know exactly how, but I believed that it could be done (sometimes by the grace of God).

I call this being “hooked to possibility”. For me this is essential, once I get hooked, I’m in it 110%. My determination gets triggered & I become relentlessly committed.

The force energy I approach my challenges with is reflected back… positive focus leads to positive outcomes. Negative thoughts are belief & confidence crushers.

I can’t count the hundreds of times when faced with adversity and stressful seemingly impossible situations to handle, one of my favorite phrases is… “someday I’ll laugh at this”. Finding humor quells the negative self-talk and keeps you open to possibility.

Daily find opportunities to reflect on what IS going right and remind yourself of what you’re grateful for.

Confidence & Courage 
If you want to be more confident… Take Action!

Nothing breeds doubt & fear than more than inaction. Even if it’s not the right action – any action is better than no action. You can always course correct along the way once you have momentum.

Often your success or failure rides heavily on how confident you are. And to be more confident you just need to be more courageous. I believe that courage is one of the most important traits an entrepreneur needs for success. (think action hero)

Finally, any success starts with the decision. You can’t accomplish anything without first deciding that you want it and are willing to do what it takes to accomplish your goal.

And even then, it’s not a matter of just one decision, it’s about making that decision over again & again, day-by-day, hour-by hour. By having the sheer determination to keep going for it, success will be yours.